Tuesday, January 28, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Day 3

I didn't feel like doing this today, but I could NOT give up on my commitment to moving every day!  I had a slight headache and I was really hungry, but I just grabbed a snack and got to work so that I could check this off of my to-do list ASAP.  I'm rarely one who doesn't follow through on commitments, especially if there is a challenge in play, but today, forgetting about it was pretty tempting.  I'm not competitive generally, but when I challenge myself, I like to push through to the end, so I couldn't let myself give up today.  So after a full and busy day of work, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, enduring the big little's anti-homework tantrum, changing the little little's diaper and fetching his milk, paying bills and balancing my checking account, I managed to pull out my aerobic step and get sweaty!

Today's work-out was strictly cardio.  It was not all that intense in comparison to my original plan to do one of my Insanity videos, but I still worked up quite a lather.  I hit my aerobic step for 30 minutes while I watched television with the littles, jogging up and down and adding a few punches and kicks here and there. It wasn't thrilling, but I got it in and I feel really proud of myself.

So, I'm going at this another 18 days.  Are you with me?

I hope so!

Twinkle, beam and sweat, Starlights!  


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