Monday, January 27, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Day 2

I did it!  2 days down...19 to go.  **Sigh**  Well, at least 2 days are down.  I'm proud of myself for getting this work-out in.  It felt good! 

I set up an at-home Cardio/Core circuit with my mini-stepper, mini-trampoline and stability ball.  For this 21 days, I really want to focus on fat burn, so I'm hitting cardio pretty hard and adding some intervals and light resistance.  I'm leaving the tough stuff to my trainer.  I spent an hour stepping, rebounding, jogging in place, then doing crunches and reverse ball tucks on the stability balls.  I did each exercise until my muscles felt like they would give out, then I'd move to the next.  It was quite a challenge.

I'm very pleased with me right about now, and I'll be back at it tomorrow for sure! 

I hope you got yours in, Starlights!  It's never too late!

Twinkle and beam!


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