Sunday, January 26, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Day 1

Day 1

I did it!  I moved and I shaped! I was really happy to get started today!!!  I hit the gym and started with an uphill (2.0 incline) walk on the treadmill at 3.0mph.  Nice and easy.  After my 10-minute warm-up, I tossed in some high-intensity one-minute intervals where I'd run uphill (4.0 incline) beginning at 4.5mph and increasing by .5mph for each interval.  For my rest intervals, I'd decrease to 3.5 or 4mph depending on what I needed.  This was the peaceful part of my work-out.  I had just about hit 20 minutes when, my trainer walked up and told me we were going to work out at her studio rather than the gym.  **Sigh**  I knew I was in for it.  And as the Law of Attraction would have it, what I was thinking became my reality.

She and her nephew tag-teamed me and my mom who joined later.  We were whirled into a 60-minute circuit of jogs, sprints, lunges, squats, chest and shoulder presses, planks and push-ups despite the fact that I was wearing my "I Hate Push-ups" t-shirt.  I thought it was sending an very clear message, but neither of them had any respect or regard for my preferences.

My tee is just like this one!

I worked HARD!  I walked away winded, tired and SWEATY, but I was proud of myself for following through on my commitment!  On top of that, I shopped for groceries, then came home, fed my littles, worked out on the mini-trampoline with them and danced to my oldest little's favorite Kids Bop tunes!  We had a BLAST, but judging from the sweat dripping down my back, I burned a few extra calories having fun with the kids!  That was a nice bonus though.  Thanks, Universe!

So, okay, y'all, one day down.......20 to go!  WHEW!  I hope you guys got yours in today!!!

Twinkle, beam and get sweaty!

We've got some Light to shine!


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