Sunday, January 19, 2014

14 Days to Freedom: Day 10

Day 10:                                                                                                                                                                             
It’s decision day!  To quit or not to quit?  I’m going with….drum roll please……NOT TO QUIT!  Sigh….I know.  I know!  Now I’m just asking for abuse.  But…I’ve got a really good reason for it.  My body is looking incredible!  I’ve made some pretty significant headway in the last 10 days and I’m kind of addicted to the progress.  The progress feels more valuable than noshing on some fruit and veggies right now.  I emphasize the words “right now.”   Who knows?  By tomorrow I may be singing a different tune.  

I was reading over the previous days’ posts and I realized something that I neglected to mention is the extra-weird, sticky, yellow film that collects on my teeth throughout the day.  I asked my boyfriend (who has done extended fasts in the past) whether he has ever had this as a symptom and he confirmed it.  It is really gross.  Imagine sticky, yellow plaque on the crowns of your molars and the backs of your incisors every day…all day…even after brushing…multiple times.  It’s gross.  I have no other description for it.  I’m not even going to try to fancy it up with collegiate vocabulary.  It’s just gross.  Since it has been happening near daily, today, I put on my Google crown (everyone says I'm the Google queen) to investigate the origin of my gross symptom.  After surfing around and reading a few different articles on the topic (Sidebar: I learned today that while fasting, the body metabolizes stored fat 1300% faster for women and 2000% faster for men.  See why I’m continuing?), I came across an article about fasting wherein this guy talks about his fasting experiences.  He talked about the icky (there, I found another word to describe it) film on the teeth and indicated that the film is a sort of discharge that comes from inside of the tooth as your body works to eliminate toxins.  So this gunk lives in our teeth, and evidently it’s not supposed to or else it would stay inside.  Ugh!  Disgusting!  Needless to say, I brushed my teeth with more intention and vigor after reading this.  Wow!  What else is my body getting rid of?  I feel like I must’ve been a walking, talking nuclear plant before I embarked upon this.  Yuck!  I’m glad it’s coming out although it’s really, really gross…or icky…whichever you prefer.

I’m finding that I’m less and less hungry during the day, but by evening, I’m thinking more about food.  I think I’m used to it though.  It’s probably because I now have the option of stopping at any time.  That is pretty empowering.  My boyfriend is trying to convince me to go at it for 21 days.  I don’t think I have it in me.  Wait, I’m not being honest.  I have it in me.  I’m feeling a little like Berger, I’m just not that into it.  Going at this for 14 days is going above the requirements outlined in my opinion.  Anything after today deserves kudos, and I’ve been getting them left and right from colleagues, my trainer, my boyfriend and my old clothes.  That’s right, I can fit into things that I haven’t fit into in years.  All that PLUS I don’t care about anything stupid any more.  I mean almost everything that I worried or stressed myself out about (which isn’t much, but it’s enough) no longer carries the same weight with me.  I feel like I’ve released my attachments to a lot of things, and it feels good.  I feel like I’ve climbed a rung or two on the enlightenment ladder.  This is the kind of thing that I most value in this process.  I hope it stays this way post-fast.  I know it will.  I’ve decided.  I’ve worked very hard to get here, and I’m holding onto this...forever!

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