Tuesday, January 21, 2014

14 Days to Freedom: Day 12

Day 12:

So, this is my last day of fasting.  I’m beginning the next phase tomorrow wherein you guessed it, I get to eat food!!!!!!  Real food…the kind that you chew.  In all honesty, I’ll miss the process.  It has truly been cathartic.  I feel great.  I feel clean.  I feel energized.  I feel alive!  It’s so amazing that a couple of weeks of starvation could make me feel so incredibly clear and….HAPPY!  I really feel happy!  I understand what I want and I feel like it’s a necessity to make my dreams come true and to really live on purpose.  I can’t wait to see how life unfolds from here!  I’m excited about life and where I’m headed!  And I’m really excited about having some fruit and a bowl of vegetable soup tomorrow!  Day 13 can’t get here fast enough!

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