Saturday, January 18, 2014

14 Days to Freedom: Day 9

Day 9:                                                                                                                                                                                
One day closer to Day 10 and the BIG decision.  I still haven’t made up my mind.  Today is going pretty well, but I’m a bit tired.  My youngest son had a midnight urge for warm milk and I struggled to fall back asleep.  People have been making more and more comments about how much of a physical change I’ve made so far.   That’s just the fuel I need to make it through the rest of the day and tomorrow.  Despite the brief lapse in sleep, I feel good today.  The cellulite played its usual vanishing act and my mid-section is continuing to deflate.  Can’t be mad at that.  Today is FREEZING cold out---a whopping 4 degrees when I left the house this morning---and the cold has also played a part in me not feeling as vitalized as I have been.  I just want to eat something.

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