Saturday, January 25, 2014

14 Days to Freedom: The Plan

The Plan:                                                                                                                                                                        
Lots of people have been asking me what’s next now that the fast has ended.  Well, I’ve got big plans in mind to maintain the progress that I’ve made and keep moving in the direction of my goals!  Now that I know what I know, here’s what I intend to do in order to maintain my progress (I’ll keep you all posted on how things are going.):

·       I’ve designated the first 60 days of the year as “squeaky clean” days for me, so until the 2nd of March, I will only be eating a high vibrational, plant-based diet---That’s right NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS (yes, that includes eggs and dairy)---with fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, whole grains and the like.  I’m also cutting back on the addition of honey and agave nectar to foods to lessen the sugar content that I take in.  I’ll have in occasionally in tea or my stir-fry dishes.

·       I am weaning myself from animal products this year, so I will only have chicken, poultry or fish 3 or less times per week.  My aim is to be meat-free or close to it by 2015!  I’ve never tried this before, so I really want to see if a vegan lifestyle works for me.

·        All of my meals will include a large serving of fresh, raw, steamed or roasted fruits and/or veggies.

·       I will always maintain my focus on health, fitness and nutrition (even when it's difficult), and unless I’m in a competition that requires me to monitor my weight, I will not place focus on that.  Been there, done that.  It’s overrated.

·       Processed foods and dining out will be limited to 1-2x monthly (only after March 2nd), decreasing over time.

·       For the next 60 days, I will continue having 1 fast day per week (pray for me) and I’ll engage in my normal eating habits the remainder of the week.  My fasting day will always be a work-out day so that I can capitalize on the calorie deficit.  I am considering also scheduling fast days around my cheat days to help with flushing out excess sodium, toxins, etc., although I intend to limit cheat days significantly in 2014.

·        I will mix it up with a variety of flavors and spices and clean recipes and try developing new recipes from the flavors I love to keep my palate guessing and me away from my favorite restaurants.  Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to share the yummy recipes.

·       I’ll always have a full refrigerator, so that I always have healthy options.

·       Since I have quite an active sweet tooth, when I’m craving something sweet and carb-laden, I’ll try grabbing a fruit first, but it that doesn’t cut it, I’ll only indulge in homemade sweets that I prepare myself, so that I’ll know every ingredient I’m taking in.

·       I want to always make nutrition fun for me and my family.  I’ll engage the kids in making fun foods that are really healthy, so that they learn the importance of healthy eating early.  This goal also offers me additional accountability. 

·       Above all, I intend to maintain my gratitude, meditation and spiritual enhancement practice daily.  It has been a phenomenal process and I have grown beautifully and that is not something I’m willing to give up! 

So, that’s my plan in a nutshell.  I’ve decided that 2014 is a year of purpose for me and I intend to enhance my lifestyle and bring the good of my experience to an audience that is looking to move toward their absolute best as well.  Through consistent practice, dedication, prayer, outcries for support and self-compassion, I KNOW we can all be our best and healthiest!  So this 14 days really did act as a catapult into a more in-depth holistic health journey for me.  I am inspired by my own dedication and all of the awesome things that readers have shared with me as they followed along with me this last couple of weeks.   This is the start to something amazing as health truly equals freedom for me, and trust me, I'm feeling more free than ever before! 

So, Starlights, this is my plan to twinkle and beam in 2014!  What’s yours?

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