Tuesday, January 28, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Day 3

I didn't feel like doing this today, but I could NOT give up on my commitment to moving every day!  I had a slight headache and I was really hungry, but I just grabbed a snack and got to work so that I could check this off of my to-do list ASAP.  I'm rarely one who doesn't follow through on commitments, especially if there is a challenge in play, but today, forgetting about it was pretty tempting.  I'm not competitive generally, but when I challenge myself, I like to push through to the end, so I couldn't let myself give up today.  So after a full and busy day of work, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, enduring the big little's anti-homework tantrum, changing the little little's diaper and fetching his milk, paying bills and balancing my checking account, I managed to pull out my aerobic step and get sweaty!

Today's work-out was strictly cardio.  It was not all that intense in comparison to my original plan to do one of my Insanity videos, but I still worked up quite a lather.  I hit my aerobic step for 30 minutes while I watched television with the littles, jogging up and down and adding a few punches and kicks here and there. It wasn't thrilling, but I got it in and I feel really proud of myself.

So, I'm going at this another 18 days.  Are you with me?

I hope so!

Twinkle, beam and sweat, Starlights!  


Monday, January 27, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Day 2

I did it!  2 days down...19 to go.  **Sigh**  Well, at least 2 days are down.  I'm proud of myself for getting this work-out in.  It felt good! 

I set up an at-home Cardio/Core circuit with my mini-stepper, mini-trampoline and stability ball.  For this 21 days, I really want to focus on fat burn, so I'm hitting cardio pretty hard and adding some intervals and light resistance.  I'm leaving the tough stuff to my trainer.  I spent an hour stepping, rebounding, jogging in place, then doing crunches and reverse ball tucks on the stability balls.  I did each exercise until my muscles felt like they would give out, then I'd move to the next.  It was quite a challenge.

I'm very pleased with me right about now, and I'll be back at it tomorrow for sure! 

I hope you got yours in, Starlights!  It's never too late!

Twinkle and beam!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Day 1

Day 1

I did it!  I moved and I shaped! I was really happy to get started today!!!  I hit the gym and started with an uphill (2.0 incline) walk on the treadmill at 3.0mph.  Nice and easy.  After my 10-minute warm-up, I tossed in some high-intensity one-minute intervals where I'd run uphill (4.0 incline) beginning at 4.5mph and increasing by .5mph for each interval.  For my rest intervals, I'd decrease to 3.5 or 4mph depending on what I needed.  This was the peaceful part of my work-out.  I had just about hit 20 minutes when, my trainer walked up and told me we were going to work out at her studio rather than the gym.  **Sigh**  I knew I was in for it.  And as the Law of Attraction would have it, what I was thinking became my reality.

She and her nephew tag-teamed me and my mom who joined later.  We were whirled into a 60-minute circuit of jogs, sprints, lunges, squats, chest and shoulder presses, planks and push-ups despite the fact that I was wearing my "I Hate Push-ups" t-shirt.  I thought it was sending an very clear message, but neither of them had any respect or regard for my preferences.

My tee is just like this one!

I worked HARD!  I walked away winded, tired and SWEATY, but I was proud of myself for following through on my commitment!  On top of that, I shopped for groceries, then came home, fed my littles, worked out on the mini-trampoline with them and danced to my oldest little's favorite Kids Bop tunes!  We had a BLAST, but judging from the sweat dripping down my back, I burned a few extra calories having fun with the kids!  That was a nice bonus though.  Thanks, Universe!

So, okay, y'all, one day down.......20 to go!  WHEW!  I hope you guys got yours in today!!!

Twinkle, beam and get sweaty!

We've got some Light to shine!


Sip on This: Poppin' Pineapple Pina Colada

Sip on This
My Poppin' Pineapple Pina Colada is a healthy virgin alternative to the original island treat!  Okay, I know pineapple and pina are the same thing, but the double dose of pineapple in this thirst buster demands the repetition!  This drink is sweet, cool, refreshing and packed with Vitamin C, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, B vitamins and loads of fiber. To top it off, the ingredients offer healthy fats (if you choose to add coconut milk), electrolytes (if you opt for the coconut water), anti-inflammatory benefits and a boost to the immune system. All of that and it's absolutely delicious to boot! Try it for yourself! 
1-2 cups of frozen pineapple
1/2 cup fresh pineapple
1/2 frozen or fresh banana (I prefer frozen)
1/4-1/2 cup of shredded organic coconut
Soy and/or coconut milks OR coconut water with pineapple
Toss ingredients into a high-powered blender or emulsifier and gradually increase to the highest speed.  Slowly pour soy and/or coconut milks or coconut water with pineapple (try Vita Coco Coconut Water with Pineapple, pictured below) into the top of the blender until the desired consistency is reached (I recently tried making this with the pineapple coconut water and it was pretty tasty, but I prefer soy milk.). 

Pour in your favorite glass, toss in a paper umbrella, put your feet up and ENJOY! You'll absolutely love it!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

14 Days to Freedom: The Plan

The Plan:                                                                                                                                                                        
Lots of people have been asking me what’s next now that the fast has ended.  Well, I’ve got big plans in mind to maintain the progress that I’ve made and keep moving in the direction of my goals!  Now that I know what I know, here’s what I intend to do in order to maintain my progress (I’ll keep you all posted on how things are going.):

·       I’ve designated the first 60 days of the year as “squeaky clean” days for me, so until the 2nd of March, I will only be eating a high vibrational, plant-based diet---That’s right NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS (yes, that includes eggs and dairy)---with fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, whole grains and the like.  I’m also cutting back on the addition of honey and agave nectar to foods to lessen the sugar content that I take in.  I’ll have in occasionally in tea or my stir-fry dishes.

·       I am weaning myself from animal products this year, so I will only have chicken, poultry or fish 3 or less times per week.  My aim is to be meat-free or close to it by 2015!  I’ve never tried this before, so I really want to see if a vegan lifestyle works for me.

·        All of my meals will include a large serving of fresh, raw, steamed or roasted fruits and/or veggies.

·       I will always maintain my focus on health, fitness and nutrition (even when it's difficult), and unless I’m in a competition that requires me to monitor my weight, I will not place focus on that.  Been there, done that.  It’s overrated.

·       Processed foods and dining out will be limited to 1-2x monthly (only after March 2nd), decreasing over time.

·       For the next 60 days, I will continue having 1 fast day per week (pray for me) and I’ll engage in my normal eating habits the remainder of the week.  My fasting day will always be a work-out day so that I can capitalize on the calorie deficit.  I am considering also scheduling fast days around my cheat days to help with flushing out excess sodium, toxins, etc., although I intend to limit cheat days significantly in 2014.

·        I will mix it up with a variety of flavors and spices and clean recipes and try developing new recipes from the flavors I love to keep my palate guessing and me away from my favorite restaurants.  Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to share the yummy recipes.

·       I’ll always have a full refrigerator, so that I always have healthy options.

·       Since I have quite an active sweet tooth, when I’m craving something sweet and carb-laden, I’ll try grabbing a fruit first, but it that doesn’t cut it, I’ll only indulge in homemade sweets that I prepare myself, so that I’ll know every ingredient I’m taking in.

·       I want to always make nutrition fun for me and my family.  I’ll engage the kids in making fun foods that are really healthy, so that they learn the importance of healthy eating early.  This goal also offers me additional accountability. 

·       Above all, I intend to maintain my gratitude, meditation and spiritual enhancement practice daily.  It has been a phenomenal process and I have grown beautifully and that is not something I’m willing to give up! 

So, that’s my plan in a nutshell.  I’ve decided that 2014 is a year of purpose for me and I intend to enhance my lifestyle and bring the good of my experience to an audience that is looking to move toward their absolute best as well.  Through consistent practice, dedication, prayer, outcries for support and self-compassion, I KNOW we can all be our best and healthiest!  So this 14 days really did act as a catapult into a more in-depth holistic health journey for me.  I am inspired by my own dedication and all of the awesome things that readers have shared with me as they followed along with me this last couple of weeks.   This is the start to something amazing as health truly equals freedom for me, and trust me, I'm feeling more free than ever before! 

So, Starlights, this is my plan to twinkle and beam in 2014!  What’s yours?

Friday, January 24, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge! Who's With Me?

For the last couple of weeks, I've really been struggling with my motivation to get my cardio and strength training in.  My aim is always to be active 5-6 days per week, but I really want to get to a point where I'm moving and shaping 7 days per week for no less than an hour.  So, in effort to get this goal underway, I'm going to start a 21-Day Move and Shape Challenge!

Scientists say that it takes 21 days to create a habit, so why not try out the theory?  It can't hurt right?  Well, maybe my muscles will ache a bit, but at least I'll be moving toward creating a healthy habit that I can feel proud of.  So, starting Sunday, January 26th, 2014, I'm going to begin hitting the gym, the floor, my mini trampoline, breaking out some of my fitness videos and consulting with my trainer to put a cardio-strength habit into consistent action and keep my healthy lifestyle goal progressing. 

Want to Move and Shape with me?

Let's twinkle and beam....and sweat it out!

Get your minds right, Starlights!  It is a challenge, but we are totally worth it!


14 Days to Freedom: Post-fast Take-aways

Post-fast Take-aways:

Now that I’m back to eating my normal super-healthy and squeaky clean diet which is mostly organic, sans processed foods and animal products (for now at least; I can’t believe I don’t miss chicken and eggs yet!), I wanted to give a quick and dirty list of pros and cons I observed during and after my fast.   I hope that this offers a snapshot of my cleansing experience.   Here goes:

significant WEIGHT LOSS
rapid progress (great jump start for lifestyle change)
ODOR-FREE GAS (No one knows when I poot or burp unless it makes a noise.)
increased regularity

As you can see the pros far outweigh the cons.  I HIGHLY recommend trying this out.  I feel ridiculously amazing!!!  I feel clean, clear and connected!  It’s really indescribable!  Even if you feel like a full fast is too much for you to dive into, I suggest trying adding a simple green juice a day to your normal diet (check out the Bite For Your Life! page for recipes regulary), then perhaps eliminating processed foods and/or animal products one day per week while making some time for physical exercise, spiritual readings, prayer and meditation.  Try out healthy lifestyle changes at YOUR pace.  This process worked for me, but I realize that while we’re all created equally, we all have very different tolerances.  Experiment and see what works for you, and share your experiences here!  I’m sure all of the Starlights would love to hear all about it!
Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!

Thursday, January 23, 2014


So, finally, my hometown has confirmed what I've known all along!  I'm the BEST!  I've been telling my boyfriend this for years, but....I digress.  Today, I actually received a press release confirming it.  I mean, I know I'm pretty awesome, but a press releaseWow! 

It seems the town of Largo, Maryland where my private practice is based has awarded me with the 2013 Best of Largo Award for Psychotherapists!!!  This is amazing news!  I feel so honored that I'm being recognized by the clients that I've served as well as professionals in my community for the quality of services that I provide.  I'm super honored that what I do is appreciated and I'm even more driven to continue this work and even greater things! 

Thank you all for the love, appreciation and support!  I hope to take my healing work to even greater heights!

I'm twinkling and beaming crazy bright today, and as always, I'm hoping the same for you, Starlights!


AKA (Also known as)


14 Days to Freedom: Day 14

Day 14:

Thankfully, my headache is gone!  Even though, I feel awesome about being mentally strong enough to fast for such a long time, that headache was KILLER!  I guess you just have to take the bitter with the sweet.  I really feel very proud of myself!  Today’s menu offers soaked prunes for breakfast (YUCK!), a small salad for lunch, veggie soup for dinner and all the same delectable liquids I’ve been limited to over the last couple of weeks throughout the day.  Tomorrow’s menu offers more of the same, only with larger portions and I can add 1-2 slices of whole wheat bread and finely chopped nuts.  On the following day after (the 4th day post-fast), I can resume a normal diet.  I’m looking forward to it!   

Now that I’m on my second day of eating food, it seems like my body has adjusted quite well.  Like I said, the headache is gone, and my energy level has increased even more.  I feel pretty darn great!  I was a little worried about what the adjustment would be like (I was especially worried about the number of trips I’d have to take to the potty), but everything was perfectly fine.  No need for worry.  I think my body enjoyed this process.  My tummy feels squeaky clean!  It’s like I’m floating when I walk!  Incredible!

So…yesterday, I wasn’t feeling as connected spiritually as I had been throughout the fast, but after meditating and centering myself, I feel that my spiritual link has been fortified!  I love it!  I love God!  I love ME!  It feels like my crown chakra is wide open and I can clearly hear all that God is telling me.  I feel Divine energy all around me and I feel fully supported and loved all on my own.  I realize that the only connection I need is my connection to God.  I feel more spiritually connected than ever before and I feel I’ve gained deeper wisdom, heightened creativity and increased patience and compassion.  Don’t get me wrong, my ego still rears its head from time to time, but my ability to redirect it with Love is a natural reflex.  It’s absolutely amazing!  I’m so happy that I’ve given myself this gift!  Other than life and my family, I don’t think I’ve ever received anything greater!  Although my Vitamix is a close second (Thanks, Mom!).

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

14 Days to Freedom: Day 13

Day 13:                                                                                                                                                                            

I ate and now my head hurts.  I wouldn’t wish this feeling on anyone.  This is the first day of my gradual transition back to my normal diet.  I thought I’d feel better than this.  I ate 14 blueberries about ¼ of an apple and a bowl of homemade kale and leek soup in addition to the liquid regime I’ve been following.  It’s a relief to finally have food, but who knew my poor head would have to pay for it.  I guess my body is in shock.  I’m not as ravenous as I thought I’d be, but I tell you, I’ve never tasted a blueberry or an apple so delicious in my life!  It was absolutely heavenly to taste something other than tea, diluted veggie broth, juice and water.  I have such a greater appreciation for food.  Really!  It’s like a gift every time I chew now!  This experience has put things into a brand new perspective for me.  I have so much more to appreciate! 

I still feel pretty connected spiritually, but I’m not feeling the same high as I did earlier in the process.  I’m wondering if blueberries, apples and soup can really have that much of an impact on my spiritual connection or if I’m just dealing with the transition.  I do feel as though I’m in mourning a bit.  Although I welcome the food, I miss the fast.  I miss the sacrifice.  It felt good to sacrifice for my growth.  No, it felt phenomenal to sacrifice for my growth.  I’m so thankful that this practice was introduced to me for it will forever be a part of my life and spiritual routine.  For all the benefits that I’ve experienced, it is definitely worth the headache.

Sip on This: Hello, Yellow!

Sip on This

For increased energy, decreased bloating and inflammation, a boost of Vitamins A & C and potassium and a GLOWING complexion, try sipping on one of these in the mornings.

Hello Yellow!
1/2 organic carrot
2 spears of fresh pineapple
1 cup of frozen pineapple
1/2 cup frozen mango and/or peaches
1-1/2 cups of cold distilled water or organic soy milk (if you prefer a creamier texture)
1/...8-1/4 inch piece of ginger root (You may use it without peeling if it's organic. Go for more if you like the spicy kick of ginger!)
1/2 fresh or frozen banana
1/2 fresh navel orange, peeled

Blend to desired consistency. Bon appetite!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Living the Dream

Believe it or not, there are some folks out there who absolutely ADORE their lives.  They wake up looking forward to facing the day and doing their work, and they choose to experience bliss in every moment.  Those folks find success, love and joy all around them and they experience passion in amazing ways no matter what they're facing.  I seek these people out because their stories need to be told.  They've placed their eyes on the prize and moved with intention and have gotten to see their dreams come true.  How freakin' amazing is that? 

I'm dedicating this page to the folks that chase their dreams until they catch them without being stalled by doubts, fears, worries or others' opinions.  I hope the people that I feature on this page inspire you to put in the work necessary to see your wildest dreams come to fruition! 

Don't start another day without asking yourself, "What do I need to be doing to make my dreams come true?"  Answer that question without consideration of any of  your doubts or fears, and GET CRACKIN'!!!  You deserve to bring your dreams to life! 

Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!



14 Days to Freedom: Day 12

Day 12:

So, this is my last day of fasting.  I’m beginning the next phase tomorrow wherein you guessed it, I get to eat food!!!!!!  Real food…the kind that you chew.  In all honesty, I’ll miss the process.  It has truly been cathartic.  I feel great.  I feel clean.  I feel energized.  I feel alive!  It’s so amazing that a couple of weeks of starvation could make me feel so incredibly clear and….HAPPY!  I really feel happy!  I understand what I want and I feel like it’s a necessity to make my dreams come true and to really live on purpose.  I can’t wait to see how life unfolds from here!  I’m excited about life and where I’m headed!  And I’m really excited about having some fruit and a bowl of vegetable soup tomorrow!  Day 13 can’t get here fast enough!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Leek y Kale Lentil Soup

Playing in the kitchen, I fell in love with this soup this winter!  It's hearty, full of nutrients and flavor and it has an incredible texture!  I imagine it would also be good adding other veggies and/or potatoes to the base.  It has a really versatile flavor.  Try it and tell me what you think!

What you'll need:

1 large frying pan
1 pot
A blender or, even better, an emulsifier
6 cups fresh organic kale, chopped or torn, stems removed (Sometimes I leave a few stems on; it still tastes great!)
1 large leek, cleaned and sliced (discard all upper leaves)
2 shallots, sliced
2-3 cloves of garlic, peeled
1-2 teaspoons olive oil
4 cups vegetable broth
1-2 cans of lentil beans, rinsed and drained
Sea salt
Cracked black pepper

What you've got to do:

Sauté leek, shallots and garlic in olive oil until soft. Add kale and cook until it begins to wilt.
Add broth and cook for 30 minutes on medium-low heat. 
Let the mixture cool for a few minutes and then pour into blender.
Blend until homogenous.
Pour the soup base into a pot and add lentil beans.  
Heat on medium-low for 5-10 minutes.
Season soup with salt and cracked black pepper.

Serve hot with a salad and whole wheat Ezekiel bread or Ezekiel English muffins.  Scrumptious!


14 Days to Freedom: Day 11

Day 11:                                                                                                                                                        

So I’m at it another day.  I started the day as usual.  After going to the bathroom, I reported to my full-length mirror to check my progress.  I’m pleased!  I swear!  I am shrinking like crazy!  Incredible!  I’m not a fanatic of the scale, so the one that I have is broken.  I have no idea how much I weigh.  I asked the doctor not to tell me, but he felt comfortable to tell me that I was 50-60lbs overweight…as if I didn’t already know.  Thanks for the reminder, Doc.  No, really, thanks for the reminder.  A wake-up call like that motivates forward movement.  At any rate, I look like I’m losing like 3-5 pounds per day.  Seriously.  So today, I got a little nervous about coming off of the fast.  I feel ready to begin my transition back to enjoying solid vittles, but I was feeling a little concerned about the idea of putting weight back on when I start eating again.  During my pre-fast visit, my doctor assured me that if I maintain a healthy diet sans dairy, processed and fried foods, excessive animal products, etc., while consistently maintaining a moderate level of physical activity, the weight will never return.  Never.  I trust him, but…I called my BFF/trainer, Ewuria Darley (CEO of www.wellspacefitness.com; Yes that was a shameless plug for my bestie, but she’s the bomb!  Check her out!) to vent, get a pep talk and solicit her expert advice.  Those are the benefits of having a BFF who doubles as your trainer.  She gives me just the right amount of pep and schools me on which fruits have the lowest glycemic index (she suggests apples, blueberries and raspberries), so that my transition is successful.  I’m feeling much more confident that I will continue to coast to 6-pack ab status and begin planning my transition. 
So, I’ve decided.  Saturday is the day.  One day shy of the 14-day mark, but I think it best considering I’m not sure how my body will respond to the transition.  I’d rather be at home just in case I have to set up a temporary residence in the loo.  I’m excited about next steps.
Status update:  My energy level is phenomenal. My tummy feels clean.  My skin and teeth are gleaming.  My hair feels softer.  My cellulite has stopped its daily fiestas, and I’m looking and feeling pretty hott!  Yes, with two t's.  I think this fast has awakened my dormant Diva.  She’s been resting peacefully since my first son’s birth, but she’s about to make a crucial comeback!  Spiritually, I’m feeling so much more alert and conscious of my life’s purpose, the impact of my and other’s actions on circumstances, etc.  I’m able to really see what matters...nothing but this moment.  Nothing else.   It’s all there is and all that will ever be.  I’ve accepted that and it feels extraordinary!!!  It makes me want to cherish every moment that I have and spend my life teaching others to do the same.  I am and I will.  Life is perfect and so am I no matter what I do or what I’ve done.  It all happened the way it was supposed to.  And I have a far greater appreciation for all of it now.  I’m so thankful. 

Tomorrow’s my last day.  For sure.  I’m ready!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Resolution Evolution

Happy New Year!  What a wonderful time!  This is the perfect time and opportunity to make a difference in your life.  So, what is your goal?  Wait!  Before you even state it, let’s ensure that you are fully equipped with the ability to stick to it this year.  If you’ve had any difficulty following through with your resolutions in the past, this year, your primary resolution should be to stick to your resolution once and for all!  How, you ask?  Good question.

 Studies show that many set resolutions to stick to, but find that by mid-February to early March of the same year, most if not all have abandoned the resolutions they’ve so earnestly set forth for the year.   Why is this?  It’s easy to make a statement and hope for the best.  The tough part is the implementation of the goal.  Many people rush into their resolutions full throttle without establishing a plan to ensure that the goal gets accomplished, and once they get started, keeping up with the goal nearly feels like the possibility of 12-month long sentence, and they opt to abandon it often feeling the ambivalence of liberation and freedom from the sentence and guilt or disappointment for giving up prematurely or failing.  2014 will NOT be the year that we let our resolutions fall by the wayside.  With this 5-step process, we’ll enter this decade with optimism and the tools to ensure that we all finally reach our goals! 

 Be Specific

When formulating your resolution, think with specificity.  Avoid only arriving at a goal.  Go further to describe how you intend to accomplish it.  It isn’t enough to say that I want to lose weight or I want to make new friends.  Making your resolution a specific statement such as, “I will lose 20 pounds by becoming more physically active and consuming healthy, nutrient-rich foods,” or “I will establish new friendships by visiting new places and initiating conversations with people that I do not know,” literally calls into being the thing that you want while simultaneously giving you tasks to perform in effort to accomplish your goal.  Without a plan to ensure that the goal actually gets accomplished, you’ll more than likely fail to accomplish the goal.    

Set Realistic Mini-goals

Once you’ve come up with your resolution statement, go even further and begin creating a plan to carry it out.  Develop a list of mini goals that can be accomplished throughout the year at your pace.  The overall goal of starting a new business venture, losing weight or getting out of debt can seem to be quite daunting when you consider doing them all at once or even within just one year, but it doesn’t have to be daunting or intimidating at all.  Take these goals and break them down into steps.  If the goal is to start a new business, consider what steps will be involved in this endeavor and allow for a realistic timeline to complete each goal.  Your list should include items such as, “Research the process of securing a business license by 1/31/2014.”  This gives you something that can be accomplished fairly easily and a time frame in which to complete it.  Creating this list not only allows you to see all that is involved in the process of reaching your goals, it also allows you to track your progress.  Seeing steady progress is a huge reward!  Whether your goal is large or small, it is always very encouraging to feel you’re moving just a little closer to it on a regular basis.

Be Flexible

If your standards for yourself are too rigid, your goal may begin to feel like a chore, and I don’t know anyone who enjoys doing chores.  Start slowly.  Rome wasn’t built in a day, and let’s face it, you didn’t become who you are in a day either.  It will take time to kick your old habits and start new ones, so allow yourself some flexibility to learn the best path to your goal.  If you go off track, don’t feel guilty or criticize yourself.  Allow yourself room to be human.   After all, who says the New Year is the only time to begin working toward a resolution?  Check in with yourself regularly to determine how much you’ve progressed.  Mark your calendar for a mid-year update and if necessary, set a mid-year (or even a late year) resolution that gets you back on track to meeting your goal.  So what if you started off with can-do attitude and by mid-February your motivation has fizzled and your shiny new resolution was swept under the rug or maybe even out the door.  You still have time…don’t you?  As long as you collect yourself and get back on track, you’re still making progress.

Support Yourself

Even the most successful individuals have a support system.  Tell a supportive friend, family member or co-worker about your new goal or solicit the help of a professional working in the area in which you desire to progress  (i.e., a life coach, therapist, personal trainer, accountant, etc.) or join a group of people interested in accomplishing the same or a similar goal.  The more positive people in your life that can hold you accountable and encourage you in the process, the more likely you’ll be to feel confident in your pursuit.  Steer clear of sharing your goal with people who may criticize you if they notice you going off track if this is offensive to you.  Feeling as though you’re under a microscope is yet another way to heighten pressure.  This process should be new and exciting, not anxiety-provoking.  Ensure that you’re making choices that you’re confident you can commit to.  Also, avoid choosing to engage in any activity in which you cannot afford to invest adequate time or money.  If you find your time or financial resources running low, you’ll kick your new habit even faster than you started it. 

Have Fun!

Let’s face it, if it isn’t fun, oftentimes, we don’t feel it’s worth doing.  There are tons of different paths to a destination.  So, if weight loss is your goal and you hate the gym, avoid it at all costs, but don’t abandon your goal because of your disdain for the treadmill and elliptical.  There are plenty of creative ways to get active.  Take a yoga class or walk a trail in your neighborhood.  Surf online for free workouts via You Tube or pop your favorite CD in the player and dance the night away.  If you want to make new friends, determine the types of people you’d like to meet and strategically choose exciting places you’ve never visited (but maybe always wanted to), go there and strike up conversations to meet new and interesting people.  There is ALWAYS more than one solution.  So, make it easy on yourself by choosing ways to bring your resolution to fruition that are fun for you.  If you don’t enjoy yourself in the process, you’re more likely to call it quits before the goal is accomplished.  If you’re having a ball doing it, you’ll fall in love with the process and stick to it far longer thereby significantly increasing the likelihood of ultimately reaching your goal.

The simple thought of failure often cripples us by playing over and over again in our minds.  Before long, failure, not the identified goal, becomes the dominant thought, and the beautiful outcome of achieving that awesome new goal fades to the background.  The key to achieving our goals is allowing the goal, not our fears, to be in the forefront and establishing awesome new habits that are in alignment with our goals which, unfortunately, is often the part that is overlooked.  Often, if we don’t see progress immediately, we become overwhelmed with disappointment and highly frustrated.   In the process of change, we must be gentle and patient with ourselves.  It took us time to become the people that we are, so, realistically, it will take us time to develop, implement and master new habits to move in the desired direction.  With diligence, faith, self-love, creativity and flexibility, we’ll be certain to see the greatest of our dreams come true! 

Best of luck to you and best wishes for a happy and fulfilling New Year!  Shine your Light super bright and make 2014 SPARKLE & GLEAM!!!!

Twinkle & beam, Starlights!


Move and Shape!

Physical exercise is an essential part of any holistic health regimen.  I have to admit, it's not one of my favorite things to do and usually, I dread my workouts (even the fun ones), but the benefits of physical activity far outweigh my disdain.  Since engaging in a consistent and challenging workout regimen, I have seen my body shift and change dramatically (I'll post pics soon) and I look and feel better and better with every kick, dip, squat and jump! 

On the Move and Shape! page, I'll be consulting with some pretty incredible fitness pros and sharing some awesome tips to Move and Shape your body in amazing ways!  Stay tuned, Starlights!

Twinkle & beam!


Sip on This: The Incredible Hulk

Sip on This

With loads of antioxidant power and a boost of vitamins C, E and K, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc and selenium, you'll turn the hands of time backward when you guzzle down one of these babies! Delish!  P.S.: My kids love this one!

The Incredible Hulk

2 overflowing handfuls of organic baby spinach
1/2 banana
1 cup frozen peaches
1/2 organic honeycrisp apple
1/2 cup cold, distilled water

Blend to desired consistency. Enjoy!

14 Days to Freedom: Day 10

Day 10:                                                                                                                                                                             
It’s decision day!  To quit or not to quit?  I’m going with….drum roll please……NOT TO QUIT!  Sigh….I know.  I know!  Now I’m just asking for abuse.  But…I’ve got a really good reason for it.  My body is looking incredible!  I’ve made some pretty significant headway in the last 10 days and I’m kind of addicted to the progress.  The progress feels more valuable than noshing on some fruit and veggies right now.  I emphasize the words “right now.”   Who knows?  By tomorrow I may be singing a different tune.  

I was reading over the previous days’ posts and I realized something that I neglected to mention is the extra-weird, sticky, yellow film that collects on my teeth throughout the day.  I asked my boyfriend (who has done extended fasts in the past) whether he has ever had this as a symptom and he confirmed it.  It is really gross.  Imagine sticky, yellow plaque on the crowns of your molars and the backs of your incisors every day…all day…even after brushing…multiple times.  It’s gross.  I have no other description for it.  I’m not even going to try to fancy it up with collegiate vocabulary.  It’s just gross.  Since it has been happening near daily, today, I put on my Google crown (everyone says I'm the Google queen) to investigate the origin of my gross symptom.  After surfing around and reading a few different articles on the topic (Sidebar: I learned today that while fasting, the body metabolizes stored fat 1300% faster for women and 2000% faster for men.  See why I’m continuing?), I came across an article about fasting wherein this guy talks about his fasting experiences.  He talked about the icky (there, I found another word to describe it) film on the teeth and indicated that the film is a sort of discharge that comes from inside of the tooth as your body works to eliminate toxins.  So this gunk lives in our teeth, and evidently it’s not supposed to or else it would stay inside.  Ugh!  Disgusting!  Needless to say, I brushed my teeth with more intention and vigor after reading this.  Wow!  What else is my body getting rid of?  I feel like I must’ve been a walking, talking nuclear plant before I embarked upon this.  Yuck!  I’m glad it’s coming out although it’s really, really gross…or icky…whichever you prefer.

I’m finding that I’m less and less hungry during the day, but by evening, I’m thinking more about food.  I think I’m used to it though.  It’s probably because I now have the option of stopping at any time.  That is pretty empowering.  My boyfriend is trying to convince me to go at it for 21 days.  I don’t think I have it in me.  Wait, I’m not being honest.  I have it in me.  I’m feeling a little like Berger, I’m just not that into it.  Going at this for 14 days is going above the requirements outlined in my opinion.  Anything after today deserves kudos, and I’ve been getting them left and right from colleagues, my trainer, my boyfriend and my old clothes.  That’s right, I can fit into things that I haven’t fit into in years.  All that PLUS I don’t care about anything stupid any more.  I mean almost everything that I worried or stressed myself out about (which isn’t much, but it’s enough) no longer carries the same weight with me.  I feel like I’ve released my attachments to a lot of things, and it feels good.  I feel like I’ve climbed a rung or two on the enlightenment ladder.  This is the kind of thing that I most value in this process.  I hope it stays this way post-fast.  I know it will.  I’ve decided.  I’ve worked very hard to get here, and I’m holding onto this...forever!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

14 Days to Freedom: Day 9

Day 9:                                                                                                                                                                                
One day closer to Day 10 and the BIG decision.  I still haven’t made up my mind.  Today is going pretty well, but I’m a bit tired.  My youngest son had a midnight urge for warm milk and I struggled to fall back asleep.  People have been making more and more comments about how much of a physical change I’ve made so far.   That’s just the fuel I need to make it through the rest of the day and tomorrow.  Despite the brief lapse in sleep, I feel good today.  The cellulite played its usual vanishing act and my mid-section is continuing to deflate.  Can’t be mad at that.  Today is FREEZING cold out---a whopping 4 degrees when I left the house this morning---and the cold has also played a part in me not feeling as vitalized as I have been.  I just want to eat something.

Friday, January 17, 2014

14 Days to Freedom: Day 8

Day 8:                                                                                                                                                                                
Today was ROUGH!!!  I’m SO HUNGRY!  I fantasized about food all day, but I am determined.  I am pushing through.  As of today, I’m going to wrap this thing up on Day 10.  I’m ready for something savory.  Even a salad would do.  I’m looking forward to chomping on some solid food.  Don’t worry.  I’ll choose wisely and chew slowly.  I could have some fruit today because I’ve passed the 3-day mark, but I want to press through to the end.  I think I can.  I think I can…Sigh.  I really am doing my best.  My vacay officially comes to an end today, and I return to my office tomorrow.  I think that reality may be exacerbating my hunger pangs, so I’ll just wait and see how I feel when I get to Day 10.  Maybe I’ll have a change of heart.  Maybe.

Aside from the hunger, I’m still feeling very connected and appreciating my guidance.  My productivity and energy levels have not changed at all and I hope this continues beyond the fast.  The cellulite cycle is still going strong, but the dry-brushing at night seems to help it fade a bit before I hit the bed.  Today, I feel like I’m drowning from the level of fluids I took in today, and I probably should just set up shop in my bathroom because I’ve been in there at least 70% of the day.  I do have to admit…I feel clean and clear and no matter how hungry I get, I’m still grateful for the process.  It’s a good process.  It’s an incredible process!  So far, I have no regrets. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Be Still and Chill!

Interested in starting a meditation and concentration practice?  This is the place to come.  Here, you'll find fantastic tips for meditation and recommendations for readings or videos for concentration or spiritual study!  Whether you're just starting out or if you've got years of practice studying in caves with monks, there will be something for you to take your meditation practice to the next level! 

Feel free to post your thoughts, questions, experiences or suggestions here.  Together, let's learn how to Be Still and Chill!   

Shine your light super bright!

Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!


14 Days to Freedom: Day 7

Day 7:                                                                                                                                                                                
And on the seventh day...I wanted to rest (and eat), but I wanted to press through this process more.   I’m very much feeling like I want to make a really healthy meal for myself, but I find solace in cooking for the littles, reading and napping.  I hit the gym HARD today with my trainer and had boat loads of energy.  Backward walking on the treadmill with a 15 incline, uphill walking lunges, jogging intervals and some intense ab work were no match for me today.  In fact, I did a little extra.  I was proud of myself.  I guess borderline starvation has its benefits.   The cellulite cycle is still going strong, but I have a far more deflated mid-section and I’m beginning to see a glimmer of my pre-baby, work-out body!  I haven’t seen myself like this in almost 7 years!   I’m feeling (and looking) pretty good.  I’m making it a point to tell myself that I love myself as often as possible and believe it or not, it makes a difference.  I feel love everywhere that I go and people tell me over and over again that I‘m glowing.  The best part about this is I feel like I’m glowing.  I feel pretty awesome considering I haven’t had solid food in a solid week.  My skin breakouts seem to have taken their bows and left the stage and my skin has an orangish-rosey undertone that looks absolutely radiant!  I’ve traded dry patches and stretch marks for a smooth, glowing, Brazilian bikini babe-esque look and I actually stare at my skin in the mirror.  All of this has made me think of what I had been doing to my body for it to look the way it did pre-fast.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was far from a gremlin, but the changes that I‘ve made are obvious and significant. 

I’m still feeling a major connection with Spirit and I am hearing my inner voice crying out for me to make some major changes with regard to my health, my career and my faith.  I’m being urged to trust my inner voice and know that nothing will ever go wrong for me.  I’m seeing so many examples of people doing what they love in untraditional ways, and I’m inspired.  I’m getting messages left and right about how to break through my challenges and exercise courage and strength as I face them.  I’m being told clearly that the courageous road is not always cozy, but the destination is always desirable.  I’m so pleased with all that I’m learning and all of the growth that I feel myself making, but I’m strongly considering wrapping up the fast in 10 days rather than 14.  I’d still be proud of myself and I’d still feel like I’ve done my best.  I’ve got some time to think it through, but I’m definitely leaning that way.  I’m ready to chew again.