Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Mini Message: Why Twinkle and Beam?

The answer is simple.  Everyone is a star, unique, dynamic and sparkling in Divine perfection. No one and nothing can dim your Light. It is innate and indestructible. Our only job is to own it by shining it brightly and teaching others to do the same. It's the only way to brighten our world. 

So do what you know within you is necessary to find your Light and shine it bright!  

Twinkle and beam, Starlights!  No one can shine like you!

Love always, 


Monday, June 30, 2014

Starlight Spotlight

Twinkle and Beam's Starlights are always accomplishing MAJOR goals!!!  I get testimonial phone calls, e-mails and text messages on a near-daily basis from Starlights twinkling and beaming with blinging brightness!

From landing their dream jobs, opening their own businesses, falling in love, getting engaged, moving on from unsatisfying relationships, and relocating internationally to losing weight, buying their dream homes and having children when doctors claimed it was impossible, left and right, Starlights are pressing through their doubts and fears to manifest their wildest dreams!  I'm always thrilled to hear these stories, but I'm never surprised. I know firsthand the power of intentional focus, visioning, affirmative thought and faith in manifesting a dreamy life and I know it's possible for everybody!  Even YOU!

I thought it would be a good idea to put these stories where they belong on Twinkle and Beam in theStarlight Spotlight!  But I must warn you, you may want to wear some shades because these Starlights are boasting some major wattage!  I hope you're inspired by their stories and  motivated to do the work to find YOUR Light and shine it bright!  

Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!
Love always, 


Contact me if you'd like personalized support to find your light!  I'm more than willing to help!

Starlight Spotlight: Specificity and Visioning Help a Starlight to Land her Dream Job and Salary!

Starlight Spotlight:

I'm shining the spotlight on one of the Starlights (she knows who she is) that put in some really hard work to shine her light a whole lot brighter this year! With all the adversity she's faced, she kept her faith and focused her sights on her goals. She told me today that she landed a new job with the exact salary she put on her vision board!  I'm so proud of her work and her faith!!!  Here's to accomplishing more vision board goals! We've got lots of time left in 2014 for even more amazing things to happen! Way to Twinkle and beam, Starlight! I'm so proud of you!!! Congrats!

Starlights, I'm always ready to hear YOUR good news! Please share so that we can continue to inspire others to find their light and shine it bright! Your story is could save a light!

Twinkle and beam, Starlights!

Love always,


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Think for Freedom

Meditation Message:  

Today's meditation was freeing!  Throughout the day I had been asking myself what it is that I really want.  Many things came to mind---a healthy family, food, shelter, peace, safety, joy, prosperity, love, but what each of these leads to for me is a sense of freedom. "That's it!"  I said to myself.  "I want to be free!"  As I always do, I took this innermost desire into my heart and mind as I went into meditation and here's the message that I was given:

"Freedom begins and ends with a thought."

This statement resonated deeply and when my meditation ended, I sat and examined what thoughts I had been having that had me feeling as though freedom was lacking in my life.  Upon examining my thoughts and perceptions, I found that I had been unconsciously highlighting ideas that were facilitating the absence of the freedom I want to welcome into my space.  Immediately, I wrote new, transformative ideas to shift the energy around the thought patterns that were causing me to feel that freedom was not a part of my experience.  Soon after, I began to feel more and more light and more and more...FREE!  If I did all of this within the span of an hour, what could I do in a day? A week?  A month?  A year? 

How free could we all be if we shift each of our negative thoughts to powerful, freedom-sparking affirmations?  Take the time to examine the areas of your life that bring you the most challenge and closely examine the thoughts you have around these aspects of your life.  Shift the thoughts that need shifting to ones that make you feel joyful, fulfilled and FREE...then see where life takes you!

Many blessings for tons of twinkling and a bunch of beaming!!!

Love always,


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Appointments Available Now! Schedule Today!

Ready to twinkle and beam your way to a new you? You can schedule today! I know it's been a while since I've opened my schedule to take on new clients, but I've made room in my schedule to help those of you who are finally ready to see some incredible and magical changes take place in your lives! 

I have evening and weekend appointments available in late April and May in my Largo, Maryland office or online via Skype! If you mention this ad when you schedule, you can receive 10% off your first session or service bundle! Click the Coach Me tab or visit www.janellmorgan.com to see my menu of services and schedule your appointment today!  

I'm looking forward to helping you to shine your light super bright!  Let's do this!

Until then....

Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!


Friday, April 18, 2014

The Risk to Blossom

We don't often consider this, but there is risk both in complacency and the pursuit of our dreams. There is a level of discomfort in both as we trod through the adjustments of attempting to find fulfillment in the unsatisfactory or making the physical, psychological and emotional shifts necessary to propel ourselves in the directions of what has only been seen in our imaginations. Though both involve discomfort, the difference in dream pursuit is the existence of faith and hope. These intangible energies fuel all motivation and keep us inspired to take action consistently until the goal is reached. It is our responsibility to routinely fill our hearts, minds and imaginations with an influx of thoughts that feed our faith and hope so that we cross the finish lines of our dreams with our heads and arms raised in triumph and gratitude! 
Here's to taking the risk to blossom! 
Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Poisonous People

I liken life to be much like a bountiful buffet.  My favorite part of any buffet is the dessert bar (although my dedication to clean eating forbids me from routinely partaking in such delights).  A dessert bar is usually full of decadent treats like rich fudge brownies, German chocolate and pineapple upside down cakes, pies and cobblers, tarts, fresh fruit salads, parfaits, creamy cheesecakes (my personal favorite) and fluffy tiramisu.  Just imagine yourself standing in front of that dessert bar facing all of those mouth-watering choices.  Mmmmmmm.......which would you choose?  Now, imagine yourself having chosen your favorite dessert and taking the little plate off the buffet and walking to your dinner table.  You sit down ready to dive in, but just before you do, take that same delicious dessert and sprinkle a healthy portion of rat poisoning all over it.  Take your fork, and dig in. With each bite, you are slowly making yourself sicker and sicker.  From an emotional standpoint, this is the exactly what happens when we spend time with poisonous people.  Yes, in general, these are people we love, respect or care a great deal for, but with every interaction with these individuals, we begin to feel less and less like who we truly are, walking away from each interaction feeling emotionally exhausted and depleted.  In real life, our buffet of poisonous people is chock full of blamers and shamers, critics, gossipers and haters.  But just as we have the power to choose our decadent desserts, we also have the same ability to choose how we interact with these people who can be so detrimental to our emotional health. 

Is my relationship toxic?

Have you ever wondered if you're in a toxic or emotionally abusive relationship?  Wonder no more.  Here are a few clues to determining whether you’re involved in a poisonous partnership:

·       If you feel completely humiliated, embarrassed or disrespected when you're with a certain person or people.

·       You walk away from a conversation or interaction with a person completely exhausted and drained.  

·       You don’t feel like you are truly accepted for who you are when you’re with this person.

·       You feel you have to “walk on eggshells” when you communicate with this person.

·       You have found yourself having to take a deep, cleansing breath or give yourself a pep talk before seeing this person or answering their phone calls.

·       Just the thought of interacting with this person makes you cringe, feel sad, tired, annoyed or angry.

·       You just want to avoid this person altogether. 

If anyone came to mind as you read those clues, 1.) I'd hate to be them, and 2.) more than likely the person you're spending time with is a poisonous person and undoubtedly the relationship you have with them is toxic.  Oh, but never to worry, you're not alone.  Just about everyone has or has had a person like this in their life.  Poisonous people play a variety of roles and they can show up as friends, colleagues, significant others and even our own family members.  Believe it or not, there are healthy and effective ways of dealing with these sorts of personalities.  

Friend or Foe?

It’s always time to re-examine friendships when you may feel there is an imbalance with regard to the level of exchange in the relationship.  Whether the friendship is plutonic or romantic in nature, it is never healthy to feel that you’re giving more than you’re receiving.  Moreover, if the relationship causes you to feel insulted or depleted in any way, it’s even more important to determine whether this relationship is worth staying in.  For example, if your friend talks more about his/her life than he/she listens to your issues, he/she interrupts you to share more about him/herself, he/she is not accessible when you need to vent yet you’re always there for him/her, or if he/she puts you down, calls you names, compares you to others or even how you used to be, it may be time to re-evaluate the relationship.  Friendships can be assets in life, but more important than the physical presence of a “friend” is the feeling derived from the friendship.  Defining what a true friend is and comparing your friend’s characteristics to that ideal can be an enlightening means of determining whether a friendship or intimate relationship is worth continuing.

Family Fiend

One of the most difficult types of poisonous people to grapple with is the poisonous family member.  These relationships are especially challenging because as a general rule, it is not as feasible to detach from relatives as it is with people with whom there is no familial bond.  Unlike friends or significant others, relatives are not people we have consciously chosen to have in our lives (although, I can pretty much guarantee we've all had a moment wherein we’ve wished we could’ve had our pick) and therefore, being forced to cope with the difficult personality of a family member is far more challenging because one often feels obligated to make these relationships work under all circumstances.  Family members can often be the most poisonous people of all in our lives because they are generally with us from the beginning.  They’re often the ones by which we most want to be accepted and they’re the ones who assist in the shaping of our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and others.  Because family members know your history, they may make statements in attempt to keep you tied to the person they know.  Statements like, “you always have been…” or “you’ll never do that like your brother/sister/cousin, etc.” when you’re putting forth effort to become who/what you want to be can be defeating if you allow it.  If you find that when you spend time with these family members you’re feeling any of the symptoms of a toxic relationship, it may be time to examine this relationship and whether your approach to your interactions with this person is healthy.   

Ready to detox?

Once you come to the realization that your relationship with someone is toxic, you’re faced with the challenge of deciding whether the relationship is worth working through or if it’s time to call it quits.  When making the decision to detox, keep in mind that you have been tied to this person for a reason and it may take you some time to detach and heal from the trauma endured throughout this relationship.  Ask yourself, " Do I feel like I want to fix it or nix it?"  If you decide the relationship is worth fixing, then you’ll have to approach this person from a solution-oriented stance.  You must first accept and understand that this person treated you this way because you allowed them to do so without consequence and be committed to leaving the emotional hurts in the past and begin to redefine the way you want your relationship to feel moving forward.  This part may require the help of a professional counselor, therapist or life coach to fully understand your pattern of behavior and your past choice to accept what you deem unacceptable.  Next, identify how you want to feel when you’re with this person and based on this answer, determine what behaviors you both must engage in in order to allow this feeling to be ignited.  Communicate with this person openly and honestly indicating how you felt in the past, what behaviors they formerly exhibited and what behaviors you feel will be necessary for them to engage in in order for you to feel emotionally safe with them. Consistent, open communication is truly the only way to successfully heal any fractured relationship. 

If you choose to nix it, be fully committed to that choice.  It is never a good idea to have one foot in the door and the other foot out.  This sort of stance is confusing not only for you, but also for the poisonous partner, and it leaves the door wide open for you to be hurt again.  Would you leave the front door to your house open for a known burglar to come in?  If you answered yes to that question, there are some concerns existing that this article will never be able to address.  Most folks would surely answer no.  Leaving your emotional doors open to people who have caused you pain once you have decided you no longer want this sort of unhealthy tie, is license to allow them to perpetrate again and again.  If the choice is to nix it, let the relationship go, mentally picture yourself sticking one of those lime green Mr. Yuck stickers on the person as you send them packing and move forward open to accepting new, healthy and edifying relationships in your life.  Define what a healthy relationship is and commit to only engaging in what you’ve defined as healthy.  When it comes to detoxing from familial ties, open communication about your feelings is also key, but as much as possible, limit your interaction with your poisonous relatives or if you have to be around them, shift the topic of discussion to something that is more acceptable for you to discuss.  Make it clear by refusing to engage in negative conversation that their behavior is not something you will continue to tolerate.  Your response to the undesired behavior is the key to shifting it in the right direction.

Recognizing when you’re in a toxic relationship is not always easy.  It is important in any relationship to always check in with yourself to determine if you’re still present as who you want to be which, at times, can be very different from who you’re accustomed to being.  Performing these periodic check-ins helps to make us aware and motivates us to take action when relationships begin to become unhealthy for us.  When it comes to the relationships we’re in, we must remember that choosing people to keep close to us also means that we are choosing outcomes.  What types of people are you choosing to share your life with, those that will help you to sink or those that will help you to soar?   Choose wisely and accept from others only what is acceptable for you.  Take your emotions into your own hands and treat them like gold.  It is your responsibility to teach others how you want to be treated.  The way that others treat you is a direct reflection of the way you treat yourself.

If you or someone you know needs help with a relationship, contact a friend or family member you trust, a clergyman, a counselor, or call your local hospital or mental health center.  If you are in imminent danger, help is available at The National Domestic Violence Hotline, (800) 799-SAFE, where someone can put you in touch with safe housing and other resources or by dialing 911 or visiting your local emergency room.

Be safe, Starlights!

Twinkle & Beam!


Friday, February 21, 2014

Thought for Today: Pressure Makes Diamonds

When things feel the most difficult, this is your opportunity to rely on your inner connection to God to create the change you wish to experience. These moments require centering and calming your mind and body through controlled, steady deep breathing (inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth), making conscious effort to concentrate on an alternative, more desirable thought, and intentional, frequent prayer for peace and for your desire to be manifested.

Though at times we cannot understand why we must experience the challenges we face, these opportunities are lessons from which we are intended to elevate to amazing sparkly, shiny, diamond-like blinging new levels. Pressure is what creates diamonds, n'est-ce pas?

Express equal gratitude for your challenges and your triumphs. In time, you will see the fruits of your faith. I wish each of you peace of mind and expeditious attraction of your desires!

Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!

I love you!


Sunday, February 16, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Days 12-21

Whew, LORD!  That was a rough 21 days!  Yesterday was the last day of the challenge, but I even got another work-out in today with my trainer.  I think I really did create a pretty good work-out habit.  I definitely increased the intensity of my strength training and I feel more energized and less impacted by things the challenges I've been facing lately.  I'm proud of my decision to try this out.  Plus...I'm 5lbs down!  Can't be mad at that, huh?

Okay, so if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm addicted to challenges!  Some years ago, I remember cracking open a fortune cookie revealing a fortune that read, "You love challenge."  I turned my nose up when I read it initially, thinking, "Who loves challenge?  That's ridiculous!"  But the more I thought of my life and my choices, I believe the Universe placed the right cookie and scrap of paper in front of me.  That fortune adorns my vision board.  It's right.  I do love a good challenge, sooooooo.....yes, you've guessed it!  I'm starting another one!!! 

You can join me if you'd like or simply be a spectator, but I'm going for another 21 days!  This next Move and Shape challenge is going to be strictly for cardio work-outs.  I'm ready to reveal all of the super-sexy and strong muscles I've been building, so I'm going to focus on fat burn this time around!

Are you with me?

I'll be starting on Wednesday, February 19th.  Forgive me for starting mid-week, but I had to schedule a brief break for myself.  I trust you understand.  :) 

Are you ready!?  I am not!  ;)  Let's show 2014 who's boss, Starlights!  We've got this!

Twinkle and Beam!


Thought for Today: Scared of the Dream

Making choices can be scary, especially when we're uncertain of how things will pan out.  Usually, the reason we're deciding to make the choice in the first place is because we're hoping for promising outcomes. Take hold of your thoughts and don't lose sight of the hope. 

Our dreams are promises that are undoubtedly ours if we choose to actively pursue them.  Yes, pursuing them can feel scary, especially if you are constantly thinking of the possibility of negative outcomes, but if you're pursuing your dreams with the knowledge that you're promised your desired outcome, there's no longer a need for fear. 

Trust in yourself and in the power of your thoughts.  Allow that trust to fuel your decision-making and move forward without hesitation or regret.  Do what you would do if you knew for certain that everything would be just fine on the other side of your decision.  Go for it!  It will be okay.  It will be SO MUCH better than okay!  Trust me.  God promises!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Yum-yum Gimme Some MORE Mixed Greens and Edamame Salad

I did it!  Tonight, I made one of the yummiest salads I've EVER made in my LIFE!  OMG!  It was INCREDIBLE and super easy to make!  It was a mixed greens and edamame salad with a homemade ginger-soy vinaigrette.  If you like anything Asian, you have got to, Got To, GOT TO try this!  I want to make another one right now, but that would just be greedy!  I'm definitely having it again for lunch tomorrow though!  Because of how I feel about it, I'm calling this one the Yum-yum Gimme Some MORE Mixed Greens and Edamame Salad.


Fresh mixed greens salad, chopped
Red cabbage, shredded
Grape tomatoes, halved
Matchstick carrots
1/2 avocado, sliced
1 serving of edamame, shelled

Ginger-Soy Vinaigrette

Juice from 1/4 lime
3 tbsp. of Bragg's Liquid Aminos
3 tbsp. of Rice Vinegar
Garlic powder, ground ginger and raw honey to taste
(This is totally optional, but if you're into spicy food, add a dab of wasabi paste to the vinaigrette.)

Toss veggies in vinaigrette until covered and top with 1 tbsp. of blanched slivered almonds and 1/4 serving size of Trader Joe's sesame sticks.  Allow salad to sit with dressing for 2-3 minutes before eating.  This will be the longest two minutes of your life, but trust me, it is totally worth it!!!!  Once you dig in, you'll be thanking me! 

Bon appetite!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Crunchy Cabbage Stir Fry

Chew on This

This Crunchy Cabbage Stir-fry is one of my absolute favorites.  Before embarking on a clean eating journey, I was frequently found swiping my debit card in Japanese, Thai and Chinese food restaurants.  I freakin' LOVE Asian cuisine!!!!!  So, naturally, I had to create a clean and healthy Asian-inspired dish.  Loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties, your body and your taste buds will get a healthy surprise!  You can serve it atop brown rice with red cabbage for a heartier meal, but I generally cook it without either.  It's SUPER filling without the rice, so I can save the added carbs for a different meal.

If you're trying to eat clean, but you're looking to have a special dinner for Valentine's Day, this recipe is perfectly PERFECT!  Even non-clean eaters like this one!  Hmmmmm...On second thought, consuming garlic, broccoli and cabbage may not make for an alluring, intimate evening.  Perhaps have it on the 15th.  You decide.

Whenever you choose, try this dish for yourself!  It's sure to please!

What You Need:

A wok or frying pan
Fat-free cooking spray (I use Pam original)
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped coarsely
Fresh broccoli stalks (Broccoli stalks are always neglected and rejected.  For this recipe, save the florets for another meal.), thinly sliced by width (each slice should be round)
1/2 of a small head of fresh green cabbage, sliced to shreds
A couple of handfuls of shredded red cabbage (optional)
1 handful of matchstick carrots
1 heaping tablespoon of raw cashew butter
Bragg's Liquid Aminos
2-3 tablespoons of Rice Vinegar
Garlic Powder
1 tablespoon of raw honey
1 and 1/2 teaspoons of agave nectar
Chopped, roasted cashews for garnish (optional)
Steamed brown rice (optional)

What You've Gotta Do:

Spray your pan with non-fat cooking spray generously.  Add garlic, cabbage, broccoli, carrots and rice vinegar to the pan.  Cook veggies on medium heat until almost tender.  Be careful not to overcook, you still want the veggies to have some crunch.  Add raw cashew butter, honey and agave nectar and stir until dissolved.   Add Bragg's liquid aminos and garlic powder to taste.  Stir continuously.  Turn the heat to medium high and cook veggies until slightly caramelized, yet still crisp.  Remove from heat.  Stir and serve!  Put veggies atop brown rice and top with chopped cashews if you'd like, but this meal is hearty enough sans grains.  Quick, easy and super YUMMY! 

Bon appetite!

P.S.:  Wanna add some kick?  It's up to you!  If you like spice, add a bit of fresh minced ginger and red pepper flakes to taste.  I just prefer my foods mild.  I reserve sniffling and sweating for influenza infections (which I no longer get since eating clean), not for mealtime.  Okay, now.....

Bon appetite for real this time!  Chomp, chomp!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Along Came a Spider

I came across this blurb that I wrote yesterday, and thought it was great!  Thought I'd share:

During the last few weeks, I’ve noticed that I’ve been coming across a good number of spiders.  Weird. I know.  It all started during my meditation a few weeks back.  Just after dawn, I went to the garden at the Washington National Cathedral with a close friend, looking forward to beginning my day with a peaceful meditation.  As we walked through the garden, my friend pointed out a spider perched neatly in her web appearing as though she was waiting, observing or studying even.  The spider was very still and focused, so still in fact that I had to look twice to actually see her.  In her web, in the garden, she was beautiful and perfect.  While in the garden that day, I saw quite a few spiders crawling about, weaving their webs, wrapping their prey, carrying their eggs.  They were all very busy and intent upon their tasks, and they all possessed a graceful regality that could not go unnoticed.

Later that same week, while visiting my parents, I saw another spider, this one very small, but sturdy
and strong looking, crawling on my parent’s storm door.  I observed it for a while, but didn’t pay it as
much attention as I did the others I encountered as I was distracted by the conversation with my family.  The spider stayed there on the door the whole time I visited and chatted with my parents on the front porch.  I actively avoided this one.  It was just a little too close in proximity for me, a self-proclaimed arachnophobe, unlike the ones in the garden.

A few days after visiting with my parents, I went to the grocery store with my family.  After shopping, we came out to the car and a large burgundy-hued spider was dangling from the car spinning a large, elaborate web a la the film, Charlotte’s Web.  The web was so large it extended from the rear wiper blade to the bumper of the car.  It was so detailed and extensive, I was certain that I would be able to find words written in it like “radiant” or “some pig” even, but alas, no words.  I guess only Charlotte can do that which, I must admit, was a little disappointing.   Over the next couple of weeks, I was noticing spiders so often, I was beginning to understand how Little Miss Muffet must have felt.  Spiders were literally showing up EVERYWHERE—in my office, at home, on my car, even in my dreams.  One night, I dreamed that I pulled a spider out of my son’s mouth.  Yikes!  (Eyebrow raise.  Sigh.) This was beginning to be all too much for me to bear!

Spiders were showing up so frequently, that I decided that this couldn’t possibly be a coincidence and
there must be a greater meaning to the spider’s frequent (and somewhat uncomfortable) presence in
my life.  I had to consult Google.  I started off looking at pictures of spiders and really observing their
physical details.  I noticed their eight eyes and eight legs and considered the representation of
beginnings I knew to be associated with the number.  I also considered the fact that when the
number 8 is turned on its side, it becomes the symbol for infinity, which, to me, represents never-ending time, potential and opportunity for evolution and refinement.  The spider became even more interesting to me, and I decided to search for the metaphysical significance of the spider online.  I found tons of information about the significance of not only spiders, but also of other animals and insects.

Regarding the spider, I found that it represents mystery, power and growth.  The spider’s innate ability to weave its multipurpose web (which serves as the spider’s home, food storage, egg incubator, and more) represents mankind’s ability to weave or create its own lives through our choices.  A spider’s presence is a reminder that we should be mindful of our decisions and consider how our choices affect us in all aspects of our lives.  We should ask ourselves, “How can my choices improve my life?” and “How are my choices impacting others?”  The spider’s ability to shape and manipulate her web represents our ability to use our minds to shape our thoughts in a way that is constructive to our being. We have the ability to design a life for ourselves, just as a spider designs her web, through the power of our thoughts and actions.  Additionally, the spider does all of its work with limited attachment to its web despite the fact that the web serves so many integral purposes for it.  In one swoop, a spider’s web can be destroyed, but never does a spider dismay.  Completely detached from any outcomes or expectations for the way things should happen, the spider carries on, embracing the mystery of each moment, fully aware and confident that all will be well, and completely reconstructs its web with the same diligence and commitment as it had with the previous web.  In contrast, we often become discouraged when one plan doesn’t pan out, and we’ll half-heartedly pursue an alternative plan.  Such half-hearted attempts are destined to be unsuccessful, and we tend to become disappointed again and again, repeating a viciously disheartening cycle.

The spider teaches a marvelous lesson.  Our lives are webs woven from our decisions, thoughts and
actions.  If we choose to view those decisions, thoughts and actions as tools, we can learn how to
effectively utilize them to construct a life that we can enjoy and be proud of.  Now when I see a spider, instead of running, screaming or jumping into a chair, I smile and take that moment to consider what efforts in my life can be enhanced in order to see what I desire come to fruition. Seeing that all that I encounter in my life offers me a lesson, I’m no longer as fearful of spiders as before.   Nonetheless, I have to admit, while I appreciate their presence and their message, I still keep my distance.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Day 11


It is with the deepest sincerity that I tell you that I didn't want to work out today...but I did.  I feel like this is a bit of a theme.  I am changing that.  I felt really drained, and I just wanted to go home and curl up in a blanket and sip some organic chamomile tea with agave nectar and soy milk from the biggest mug I could find in my cabinets while mindlessly surfing the internet for things that I don't need or intend to buy, but filling online shopping carts with the items anyhow.  Yes, this is a real pastime and I enjoy it, but my commitment to me would not allow me to play hooky from my training session.  I had to do it.  Although it took especially long to change my clothes in the locker room and get my mind around the idea of training today, I did it.  Boy, did I do it. 

I ran uphill at 6.5 and 6.8mph in 45 second intervals, a few sets of chest presses, rows, walking lunges, reverse crunches, traditional crunches...and more.  I really pressed through my fatigue and gave it my best despite multiple inklings to quit and retreat to my tea and ' net surfing.  It does help that I have the best trainer ever because she helped to keep me motivated and would not allow me to stop no matter how sad or annoyed I looked. 

So, Starlights, if I can do it, so can you!  Fight through the days when you're least motivated or most tired.  Those are the days that count the most because on those days we show our dedication to our commitment to ourselves.  We deserve optimal health and strength, and each day we push through the voices in our heads and fatigue dragging our bodies down, we conquer the possibility of regret and move closer and closer to our goals!

We can do it when we put our minds and hearts and bodies into it!  Let's prove it! 

Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge Days 4-10

Okay, so I haven't posted in the last few days.  I apologize.  Things have gotten crazy hectic and beyond busy, but I want you all to know that I am still pressing through.  Granted on a few of these days, my work-outs were at a snail's pace and minimal, but I kept it movin' and shapin'!  In this process, and I am keeping my eye on the prize---flat and firm abs, a whittled waist and my Bebe cropped jeans that I haven't worn since my biggest little was about 4 years old, and he'll be 7 this year.  I'll let you do the math.  My visualization often is my motivation to get out of bed or off the couch and from behind this screen to move and shape.  I keep my vision in the forefront in effort to make this thing happen.  It's working!

I am happy with the progress that I'm seeing and I'm feeling more and more energized as the days progress. I'm proud of me and I'm hoping you're movin' and shapin' your way to your goals too!

Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!



Monday, February 3, 2014

The Yummy Tummy-ache Annihilator

I never really get sick, but when I do, I turn to Mother Nature (not the local pharmacy) to find a cure! Yesterday, I had a killer tummy-ache accompanied by multiple trips to the potty (I know, TMI), so I concocted the best fresh ginger tea I've ever tasted!!!  Knowing the amazing impact that fresh ginger has on digestive health, I did a happy dance when I found just enough in my fridge to make my concoction.  When your tummy is doing flips or if you just want a nice, flavorful and spicy tea, try this: 

The Yummy Tummy-ache Annihilator

A 3 inch piece of fresh, organic ginger, peeled and sliced thinly
1/4 lemon squeezed
1/4 lime squeezed
Organic raw honey to taste

Boil ginger for 10 minutes then pour liquid into a large mug. Add lemon and lime juices and honey and stir. Drink while hot. Yummy (and calming) for my tummy!  

Thanks, Mother Nature!  Muah! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Day 3

I didn't feel like doing this today, but I could NOT give up on my commitment to moving every day!  I had a slight headache and I was really hungry, but I just grabbed a snack and got to work so that I could check this off of my to-do list ASAP.  I'm rarely one who doesn't follow through on commitments, especially if there is a challenge in play, but today, forgetting about it was pretty tempting.  I'm not competitive generally, but when I challenge myself, I like to push through to the end, so I couldn't let myself give up today.  So after a full and busy day of work, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, enduring the big little's anti-homework tantrum, changing the little little's diaper and fetching his milk, paying bills and balancing my checking account, I managed to pull out my aerobic step and get sweaty!

Today's work-out was strictly cardio.  It was not all that intense in comparison to my original plan to do one of my Insanity videos, but I still worked up quite a lather.  I hit my aerobic step for 30 minutes while I watched television with the littles, jogging up and down and adding a few punches and kicks here and there. It wasn't thrilling, but I got it in and I feel really proud of myself.

So, I'm going at this another 18 days.  Are you with me?

I hope so!

Twinkle, beam and sweat, Starlights!  


Monday, January 27, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Day 2

I did it!  2 days down...19 to go.  **Sigh**  Well, at least 2 days are down.  I'm proud of myself for getting this work-out in.  It felt good! 

I set up an at-home Cardio/Core circuit with my mini-stepper, mini-trampoline and stability ball.  For this 21 days, I really want to focus on fat burn, so I'm hitting cardio pretty hard and adding some intervals and light resistance.  I'm leaving the tough stuff to my trainer.  I spent an hour stepping, rebounding, jogging in place, then doing crunches and reverse ball tucks on the stability balls.  I did each exercise until my muscles felt like they would give out, then I'd move to the next.  It was quite a challenge.

I'm very pleased with me right about now, and I'll be back at it tomorrow for sure! 

I hope you got yours in, Starlights!  It's never too late!

Twinkle and beam!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge: Day 1

Day 1

I did it!  I moved and I shaped! I was really happy to get started today!!!  I hit the gym and started with an uphill (2.0 incline) walk on the treadmill at 3.0mph.  Nice and easy.  After my 10-minute warm-up, I tossed in some high-intensity one-minute intervals where I'd run uphill (4.0 incline) beginning at 4.5mph and increasing by .5mph for each interval.  For my rest intervals, I'd decrease to 3.5 or 4mph depending on what I needed.  This was the peaceful part of my work-out.  I had just about hit 20 minutes when, my trainer walked up and told me we were going to work out at her studio rather than the gym.  **Sigh**  I knew I was in for it.  And as the Law of Attraction would have it, what I was thinking became my reality.

She and her nephew tag-teamed me and my mom who joined later.  We were whirled into a 60-minute circuit of jogs, sprints, lunges, squats, chest and shoulder presses, planks and push-ups despite the fact that I was wearing my "I Hate Push-ups" t-shirt.  I thought it was sending an very clear message, but neither of them had any respect or regard for my preferences.

My tee is just like this one!

I worked HARD!  I walked away winded, tired and SWEATY, but I was proud of myself for following through on my commitment!  On top of that, I shopped for groceries, then came home, fed my littles, worked out on the mini-trampoline with them and danced to my oldest little's favorite Kids Bop tunes!  We had a BLAST, but judging from the sweat dripping down my back, I burned a few extra calories having fun with the kids!  That was a nice bonus though.  Thanks, Universe!

So, okay, y'all, one day down.......20 to go!  WHEW!  I hope you guys got yours in today!!!

Twinkle, beam and get sweaty!

We've got some Light to shine!


Sip on This: Poppin' Pineapple Pina Colada

Sip on This
My Poppin' Pineapple Pina Colada is a healthy virgin alternative to the original island treat!  Okay, I know pineapple and pina are the same thing, but the double dose of pineapple in this thirst buster demands the repetition!  This drink is sweet, cool, refreshing and packed with Vitamin C, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, B vitamins and loads of fiber. To top it off, the ingredients offer healthy fats (if you choose to add coconut milk), electrolytes (if you opt for the coconut water), anti-inflammatory benefits and a boost to the immune system. All of that and it's absolutely delicious to boot! Try it for yourself! 
1-2 cups of frozen pineapple
1/2 cup fresh pineapple
1/2 frozen or fresh banana (I prefer frozen)
1/4-1/2 cup of shredded organic coconut
Soy and/or coconut milks OR coconut water with pineapple
Toss ingredients into a high-powered blender or emulsifier and gradually increase to the highest speed.  Slowly pour soy and/or coconut milks or coconut water with pineapple (try Vita Coco Coconut Water with Pineapple, pictured below) into the top of the blender until the desired consistency is reached (I recently tried making this with the pineapple coconut water and it was pretty tasty, but I prefer soy milk.). 

Pour in your favorite glass, toss in a paper umbrella, put your feet up and ENJOY! You'll absolutely love it!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

14 Days to Freedom: The Plan

The Plan:                                                                                                                                                                        
Lots of people have been asking me what’s next now that the fast has ended.  Well, I’ve got big plans in mind to maintain the progress that I’ve made and keep moving in the direction of my goals!  Now that I know what I know, here’s what I intend to do in order to maintain my progress (I’ll keep you all posted on how things are going.):

·       I’ve designated the first 60 days of the year as “squeaky clean” days for me, so until the 2nd of March, I will only be eating a high vibrational, plant-based diet---That’s right NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS (yes, that includes eggs and dairy)---with fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, whole grains and the like.  I’m also cutting back on the addition of honey and agave nectar to foods to lessen the sugar content that I take in.  I’ll have in occasionally in tea or my stir-fry dishes.

·       I am weaning myself from animal products this year, so I will only have chicken, poultry or fish 3 or less times per week.  My aim is to be meat-free or close to it by 2015!  I’ve never tried this before, so I really want to see if a vegan lifestyle works for me.

·        All of my meals will include a large serving of fresh, raw, steamed or roasted fruits and/or veggies.

·       I will always maintain my focus on health, fitness and nutrition (even when it's difficult), and unless I’m in a competition that requires me to monitor my weight, I will not place focus on that.  Been there, done that.  It’s overrated.

·       Processed foods and dining out will be limited to 1-2x monthly (only after March 2nd), decreasing over time.

·       For the next 60 days, I will continue having 1 fast day per week (pray for me) and I’ll engage in my normal eating habits the remainder of the week.  My fasting day will always be a work-out day so that I can capitalize on the calorie deficit.  I am considering also scheduling fast days around my cheat days to help with flushing out excess sodium, toxins, etc., although I intend to limit cheat days significantly in 2014.

·        I will mix it up with a variety of flavors and spices and clean recipes and try developing new recipes from the flavors I love to keep my palate guessing and me away from my favorite restaurants.  Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to share the yummy recipes.

·       I’ll always have a full refrigerator, so that I always have healthy options.

·       Since I have quite an active sweet tooth, when I’m craving something sweet and carb-laden, I’ll try grabbing a fruit first, but it that doesn’t cut it, I’ll only indulge in homemade sweets that I prepare myself, so that I’ll know every ingredient I’m taking in.

·       I want to always make nutrition fun for me and my family.  I’ll engage the kids in making fun foods that are really healthy, so that they learn the importance of healthy eating early.  This goal also offers me additional accountability. 

·       Above all, I intend to maintain my gratitude, meditation and spiritual enhancement practice daily.  It has been a phenomenal process and I have grown beautifully and that is not something I’m willing to give up! 

So, that’s my plan in a nutshell.  I’ve decided that 2014 is a year of purpose for me and I intend to enhance my lifestyle and bring the good of my experience to an audience that is looking to move toward their absolute best as well.  Through consistent practice, dedication, prayer, outcries for support and self-compassion, I KNOW we can all be our best and healthiest!  So this 14 days really did act as a catapult into a more in-depth holistic health journey for me.  I am inspired by my own dedication and all of the awesome things that readers have shared with me as they followed along with me this last couple of weeks.   This is the start to something amazing as health truly equals freedom for me, and trust me, I'm feeling more free than ever before! 

So, Starlights, this is my plan to twinkle and beam in 2014!  What’s yours?

Friday, January 24, 2014

21-Day Move and Shape Challenge! Who's With Me?

For the last couple of weeks, I've really been struggling with my motivation to get my cardio and strength training in.  My aim is always to be active 5-6 days per week, but I really want to get to a point where I'm moving and shaping 7 days per week for no less than an hour.  So, in effort to get this goal underway, I'm going to start a 21-Day Move and Shape Challenge!

Scientists say that it takes 21 days to create a habit, so why not try out the theory?  It can't hurt right?  Well, maybe my muscles will ache a bit, but at least I'll be moving toward creating a healthy habit that I can feel proud of.  So, starting Sunday, January 26th, 2014, I'm going to begin hitting the gym, the floor, my mini trampoline, breaking out some of my fitness videos and consulting with my trainer to put a cardio-strength habit into consistent action and keep my healthy lifestyle goal progressing. 

Want to Move and Shape with me?

Let's twinkle and beam....and sweat it out!

Get your minds right, Starlights!  It is a challenge, but we are totally worth it!


14 Days to Freedom: Post-fast Take-aways

Post-fast Take-aways:

Now that I’m back to eating my normal super-healthy and squeaky clean diet which is mostly organic, sans processed foods and animal products (for now at least; I can’t believe I don’t miss chicken and eggs yet!), I wanted to give a quick and dirty list of pros and cons I observed during and after my fast.   I hope that this offers a snapshot of my cleansing experience.   Here goes:

significant WEIGHT LOSS
rapid progress (great jump start for lifestyle change)
ODOR-FREE GAS (No one knows when I poot or burp unless it makes a noise.)
increased regularity

As you can see the pros far outweigh the cons.  I HIGHLY recommend trying this out.  I feel ridiculously amazing!!!  I feel clean, clear and connected!  It’s really indescribable!  Even if you feel like a full fast is too much for you to dive into, I suggest trying adding a simple green juice a day to your normal diet (check out the Bite For Your Life! page for recipes regulary), then perhaps eliminating processed foods and/or animal products one day per week while making some time for physical exercise, spiritual readings, prayer and meditation.  Try out healthy lifestyle changes at YOUR pace.  This process worked for me, but I realize that while we’re all created equally, we all have very different tolerances.  Experiment and see what works for you, and share your experiences here!  I’m sure all of the Starlights would love to hear all about it!
Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!