Monday, June 30, 2014

Starlight Spotlight

Twinkle and Beam's Starlights are always accomplishing MAJOR goals!!!  I get testimonial phone calls, e-mails and text messages on a near-daily basis from Starlights twinkling and beaming with blinging brightness!

From landing their dream jobs, opening their own businesses, falling in love, getting engaged, moving on from unsatisfying relationships, and relocating internationally to losing weight, buying their dream homes and having children when doctors claimed it was impossible, left and right, Starlights are pressing through their doubts and fears to manifest their wildest dreams!  I'm always thrilled to hear these stories, but I'm never surprised. I know firsthand the power of intentional focus, visioning, affirmative thought and faith in manifesting a dreamy life and I know it's possible for everybody!  Even YOU!

I thought it would be a good idea to put these stories where they belong on Twinkle and Beam in theStarlight Spotlight!  But I must warn you, you may want to wear some shades because these Starlights are boasting some major wattage!  I hope you're inspired by their stories and  motivated to do the work to find YOUR Light and shine it bright!  

Twinkle and Beam, Starlights!
Love always, 


Contact me if you'd like personalized support to find your light!  I'm more than willing to help!

Starlight Spotlight: Specificity and Visioning Help a Starlight to Land her Dream Job and Salary!

Starlight Spotlight:

I'm shining the spotlight on one of the Starlights (she knows who she is) that put in some really hard work to shine her light a whole lot brighter this year! With all the adversity she's faced, she kept her faith and focused her sights on her goals. She told me today that she landed a new job with the exact salary she put on her vision board!  I'm so proud of her work and her faith!!!  Here's to accomplishing more vision board goals! We've got lots of time left in 2014 for even more amazing things to happen! Way to Twinkle and beam, Starlight! I'm so proud of you!!! Congrats!

Starlights, I'm always ready to hear YOUR good news! Please share so that we can continue to inspire others to find their light and shine it bright! Your story is could save a light!

Twinkle and beam, Starlights!

Love always,


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Think for Freedom

Meditation Message:  

Today's meditation was freeing!  Throughout the day I had been asking myself what it is that I really want.  Many things came to mind---a healthy family, food, shelter, peace, safety, joy, prosperity, love, but what each of these leads to for me is a sense of freedom. "That's it!"  I said to myself.  "I want to be free!"  As I always do, I took this innermost desire into my heart and mind as I went into meditation and here's the message that I was given:

"Freedom begins and ends with a thought."

This statement resonated deeply and when my meditation ended, I sat and examined what thoughts I had been having that had me feeling as though freedom was lacking in my life.  Upon examining my thoughts and perceptions, I found that I had been unconsciously highlighting ideas that were facilitating the absence of the freedom I want to welcome into my space.  Immediately, I wrote new, transformative ideas to shift the energy around the thought patterns that were causing me to feel that freedom was not a part of my experience.  Soon after, I began to feel more and more light and more and more...FREE!  If I did all of this within the span of an hour, what could I do in a day? A week?  A month?  A year? 

How free could we all be if we shift each of our negative thoughts to powerful, freedom-sparking affirmations?  Take the time to examine the areas of your life that bring you the most challenge and closely examine the thoughts you have around these aspects of your life.  Shift the thoughts that need shifting to ones that make you feel joyful, fulfilled and FREE...then see where life takes you!

Many blessings for tons of twinkling and a bunch of beaming!!!

Love always,
